Monday, 20 May 2013

Celtic Symbols

Celtic people are those that lived in Britain & Western Europe from 500 BC to 400 AD. Celts lived in small villages that were led by warrior chiefs in the era of the Iron Age. Celtic symbols & signs were considered to hold an incredible power to the Celts for many centuries.

Today, only by learning the language of the Celtic Symbols, can we learn about their power & how to utilize it. Records of Celts of Europe are very few, and it is very difficult to determine & trace signs & symbols.

The Romans had conquered the Celtic lands during the rise of the Roman Empire and therefore many facts have come through the Romans of that period.

Crosses Symbols:
 Represents the bridge/passage between heaven and earth. The circle symbolizes infinity and eternal love.

Five-fold Symbol:
Symbolizes four elements, middle circle unites all elements with a goal to reach balance

Triquetra Symbol:
It varies in aspects of spirit, nature, being-ness and of the cosmos.

WHATS-YOUR-SIGN (2005) Celtic Symbols and Signs (Online) Available from: (Accessed: 17 May 2013)

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